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Louise Hendricks 在十年前於巴黎瑪黑區Studio創立了與她自己的同名品牌,風格結合了波西米雅的幻想與現代搖滾的態度,擅長使用半寶石,金屬與皮革,創造出感性的,獨立的,時髦的,極簡的,大膽的,獨立的,在每一個堅強的女性,隨身佩帶的飾品能帶給你更大的勇氣讓你大膽的過完每一天。

Parisian native Louise Hendricks creates fashion jewelry for 10 years in her studio in The Marais. She works semi-precious gems, precious metals, leather, … with a modern twist. She is mixing bohemian fantasy and urban rock attitude. She is influenced by Paris her city, History and inspiring women. Her intuitive creations combine refinement and sensuality, minimalism and audacity, stylish and chic. Her collections tell us a story of women: a scenario of which you become the heroine.

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