About 品牌創立於波羅的海沿岸美麗的國家,立陶宛,致力於創造出為美麗的人,有相當高的環保意識的人們,提供時髦,舒服,不過時的,有意識的家居服與貼身衣物。簡單的設計提供人們思考布料對於人體皮膚的感受,並結合最先進的布料技術,如:絲蛋白纖維,蘆薈混紡,蜜蠟,抗菌銀纖維,當人們穿上About, 簡單優雅中的剪裁感受時代精神感。About的特殊價值在於,品牌完全建立於支持當地紡織業,由紗線到衣服成品全在立陶宛生產製造,過程要求不造成環境過度污染,Genie 要求道德採購可持續使用的原物料提供品牌。
What we wear represents and reflects who we are and how we position ourselves in this modern world. The earth never fails to inspire the world with the attitudes towards to what is important to every creature. It is an attitude without compromises and energy without no love.We are humbled by daily experiences to learn nothing is immortal and we cherish every inspirations from Nature. Genie aims to bring such attitude in fashion to all of you; full of inspiration without compromises and being loved.